This spine-tingling anthology explores the eerie and unexpected moments lurking in everyday encounters. A young woman’s late-night gas stop turns unsettling as she notices the shadowy figure tending to an old pump. In the next tale, a man en route to his new job can’t shake the chilling feeling after spotting a peculiar figure by the roadside. At a rustic costume party near an ancient cemetery, a group of friends quickly realizes that some partygoers may have come from beyond the grave. Another story follows a woman whose determination to cast her vote against her husband’s wishes leads her to a chilling confrontation. Finally, a group of college friends sets out for an unforgettable spring break, but their trip veers into terrifying territory, leaving them questioning what they’ve witnessed.
From lonely roads to haunted gatherings, each story reveals the dark possibilities hiding in the night, proving that sometimes, it’s best to trust your instincts—and keep moving.
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